Welcome Back!

Announcements for March 2024...

Welcome to the NEUROMANCERS newsletter! NEUROMANCERS is an abolitionist community organisation for and by neurodivergents.

At NEUROMANCERS, we're committed to radical lineages and inspirations that guide us as we promote healing and resistance outside of, and in active opposition, to psychiatry’s pathologisation of neurodivergent people.

A few words from co-founding director, Aiyana Goodfellow:

“One of my goals with NEUROMANCERS was to create a sustainable, grassroots, community-led alternative to psychiatry. The systems we oppose and traitors who uphold them are committed to and consistent in their violence; we must be equally committed to and consistent in our practices of liberation. Freedom is as real and visceral as entrapment, incarceration, and pathologisation. NEUROMANCERS does not exist in some alternate reality, it exists with you.”

Click here for the full welcome-back statement!

🌌Constellations Are Back! 🌠

‘Constellations’ are our anti-carceral, sliding-scale Peer Solidarity groups. Peer Solidarity (coined by Aiyana Goodfellow) is an elevated form of peer support which combines political education with community healing. 

All our offerings are dedicated to and aimed at the mad, mentally ill, neurodivergent, and disabled (MMIND) community and led by facilitators with lived experience. 

All our groups are hosted on our NEUROVERSE Discord server, which is open 24/7. This means all our Constellations have their own Discord channel where you can chat with others from around the world who share your experiences.

You can also book our online sessions.Our online sessions are available to attend in ‘blocks’. Each block lasts six (6) weeks, “Block One” lasts from April to May, and includes Alt-Brained, Multi-Dimensional Minds, Neurodivergent Caregivers, and Neuroqueers. 

Learn more about how Constellations work!


This Constellation offers a space for multiply-marginalised neurodivergent people (14+) to examine our struggles on personal and systemic levels as we discuss ways to apply our lived experiences towards building meaningful community.

Meetings will begin with an anecdote from the facilitators to set the tone of the space and then attendees will have the optional opportunity to share their own experiences. We’ll make connections to the greater systemic -isms and -obias that contribute to our challenges and support each other in coming up with ways to resist erasure, invalidation, and oppression through individual empowerment and collective organising.

💫Wednesdays at 6-8pm UTC from 10th April to 15th May 2024Book here!

🌟Multi-Dimensional Minds

The Multi-Dimensional Minds Constellation is designed to hold space for conversations among people who have experience with psychosis, altered consciousness, schizophrenia-spectrum symptoms, and other forms of beyond “ordered” thoughts. This constellation is for participants to explore our experiences in a non-judgemental place.

In our sessions we aim to address a variety of aspects of living with these experiences and create an environment of solidarity. We will set aside time at the end of each session to aid in the transition out of this community space.

💫Mondays at 8-10pm UTC from 8th April to 13th May 2024Book here!

🌟Neurodivergent Caregivers 

This is a Constellation for caregivers (16+) who also identify as neurodivergent. Caregivers can be parents or relatives, chosen family or partners, paid or unpaid – anyone involved in mutual care work. We recognise the diverse realities of caregiving, including its challenges, and its rewards so will discuss tips, strategies, and coping mechanisms to help each other navigate barriers and state systems of support. 

Neurodivergent Caregivers hopes to provide a community space where we can share the adventure of caregiving and to affirm that we are not alone in this work.

💫Thursdays at 8-10pm UTC from 11th April to 16th May 2024. Book here!


Neuroqueers is a Constellation for queer neurodivergents to be gay, build community and do alleged crime...by crime we mean anti-colonial, anti-patriarchal gender expression, radical explorations of sexuality, and care-filled community building. The things that the state does not encourage or want us to do. Madness and neurodivergency has always been connected to queerness through shared criminalisation and pathologisation.

We are grounded in an anti-colonial understanding of queerness and neurodivergency and/or Madness. 

💫Thursdays at 6pm-7.30pm UTC from 11th April to 16th May 2024Book here!

We have three new Constellations available to join on Discord!

✴️Radical Addicts

This is a peer led, trauma informed space for neurodivergent folks (18+) who identify with addiction and want to explore their relationship with drugs through community discussion which is rooted in harm reduction principles and does not centre abstinence.

💫Join via discord!

✴️Mortal Matters

A welcoming and safer space for beings (16+) with lived experience of contemplating suicide, suicidal ideation/ thoughts, and contemplating our relationship with mortality.

💫Join via discord!

✴️Navigating Survivorship

This is a healing space(ship) for people (16+) who have experienced sexual harm in its many forms. It is a place to speak and listen; to believe and be believed. 

💫Join via discord!

Thanks for reading! We’ll update you next month with our announcements and events!

In Solidarity,